The dreaded medical bill. Many patients feel a sense of anxiety before they even open the envelope, email, or text message. In an era of high-deductible health plans, patients are asking themselves, “How much will I owe? Will I be able to afford to pay the balance? Am I facing significant medical debt?”
For some, the anticipation of their financial obligation is too difficult to bear. They may simply discard the message without even looking at it. If they do take a peek, there is no guarantee they will follow through with payment in a timely manner or at all. The end result: Cashflow bottlenecks and an aging accounts receivable.
Confusion about the amount owed and why may be most apparent when patients receive medical bills they didn’t anticipate (e.g., for out-of-network care). While 37% of patients say they would pay a surprise medical bill without question, the flip side is that 63% may not. How often do surprise medical bills happen? A national tracking poll found that one in five Americans received an unexpected charge since January 1, 2022. This happened even despite the requirement for healthcare providers to comply with the No Surprises Act (NSA), a federal law aimed at ending surprise out-of-network billing.
Despite their best intentions, patients may be reluctant to pay medical bills they don’t understand. For most people, every dollar counts, and they aren’t willing to part with money if they can’t comprehend what is owed and why. For example, 77% of people misunderstand the concept of co-insurance (i.e., the portion of the bill that a health plan member splits with an insurer after the member reaches their deductible), according to a recent Forbes Advisor survey of 2,000 Americans. Nearly half don’t understand the concepts of copayments and deductibles. The survey also found significant knowledge gaps when it comes to understanding open enrollment, health savings accounts, and medical billing.
There are many reasons to help patients understand their medical bills. Here are a few of them:
Want to help patients understand their medical bills, but not sure where to begin? Consider these simple strategies:
Let’s face it: The financial side of healthcare is confusing. Unfortunately, it’s not likely to improve any time soon. The good news is that you can take proactive steps to make patients feel less anxious about their medical bills. Learn how Inbox Health can help!
Lisa A. Eramo, MA is a freelance healthcare writer who specializes in healthcare reimbursement, health information management, value-based care, and patient engagement. She contributes bylined articles to various healthcare trade publications and also assists clients with healthcare content marketing. You can reach her at or by visiting